Blog Archives

First publication of aTL campaign

A first scientific publication about our Measurement Campaign with the #advancedTrainLab of #DB together with #DLR has been released: Radio Interference Measurements for Urban Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems 2021 IEEE…

Radio Interference Measurements for Urban Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems

Without appropriate measures, interference between the different radio technologies must be assumed and reliable communication for safety-critical applications cannot be guaranteed. To develop accurate and realistic interference models for current…

Fu­ture tech­nolo­gies for railways

It will be vital for the rail system to be able to reliably determine where a train is located. Within the project ‘IMPACT’ a new method of localisation is developed…

CertiPro Stakeholder Workshop

The Track Worker Protection System (TWP) developed as personal protection system by Intelligence on Wheels is in the process of getting certified as a new safety system with an assigned…

Hordorf – 10 years ago

Exactly 10 years ago, on 29.01.2011 at 22:38, one of the most serious train collisions Germany has ever seen occurred near Hordorf in Saxony-Anhalt. In a foggy night, the locomotive…

Collision Avoidance for Trains to Machu Picchu

Due to increasing passenger demand and thus increased frequency of trains on the famous Cusco – Machu Picchu line in the last decade, a need has been identified to improve…

Intelligence On Wheels: An Innovative Concept For Train Safety

Some tens of millions of passenger journeys take place on Europe’s railways every day. Nearly all of these journeys pass off with no incident. For most people, most of the…

Member of German Federal Parliament (Bundestag) gets introduction to collision avoidance system

Am 14. September 2020 besuchte die Bundestagsabgeordnete Bela Bach (SPD) das Deutsche Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) in Oberpfaffenhofen. Als Mitglied im Ausschuss für Verkehr und Digitale Infrastruktur zeigte…

CertiPro kicked off

Certifiable Railway Trackworker Individual Protection (CertiPro) The European Space Agency (ESA) has kicked off the CertiPro railway demonstration project under ESA Space Solution umbrella in the ESA Business Application programme….

InnoTrans 2020 postponed

Due do Covid-19, InnoTrans 2020 has been postponed. The new date is April 27-30, 2021. Looking forward meeting you at our booth!