Blog Archives

Shortlisted for Pilot Testing of Sensor System for Prevention of Elephant-Train Collisions

Bangladesh Railway (BR) intends to conduct a pilot project to establish the viability of various technologies including infrared cameras, seismic sensors, sonic sensors and other sensor based alert systems to…

Cooperation extended

Today the German Aerospace Center (DLR) has extended the cooperation agreement with its spin-off Intelligence on Wheels (IoW) ahead of time by another 3 years. IoW was founded by two…

Future is today

An accurate positioning of every train is key to our train collision avoidance system, and one (though not the only one) sensor contributing to this is a Global Navigation Satellite…

Meet us in Peru and Bolivia

Our collision avoidance technology will be presented on a tour through Peru and Bolivia in May 2019. These are the tour dates: May 6 and 7: Lima, Peru May 8…

Expect the unexpected

Trains are for sure one of the most safest way of getting from A to B. However, occasionally something weird happens, which may lead into a more dangerous situation than…

Visit of Minister Aigner

Ilse Aigner, bayerische Staatsministerin für Wohnen, Bau und Verkehr sowie stellvertretende Ministerpräsidentin von Bayern, hat sich auf der InnoTrans 2018 bei Ihrem Besuch beim Cluster Bahntechnik in Bayern die Funktionsweise…

InnoTrans 2018

Come and have a look for a live demo of our products in hall 4.1 booth 210. Airbus SLC posted nice pictes from our booth on Twitter: IoW und Tactilon…

Better railway collision prevention with TrainCAS, the autonomous Train Collision Avoidance System

Despite the availability of PZB, ETCS and their international counterparts, train collisions are an unfortunate reality on the world’s railway lines. TrainCAS, which has been conceived and developed by the…

IoW Press Release – InnoTrans 2018 (German)

Safety First! Sichere Mobilität auf der Schiene! Innovative Lösungen für eine neue Stufe der Sicherheit im Bahnverkehr stehen im Fokus des Messeauftritts der Intelligence on Wheels (IoW) GmbH auf der…

Stellwerksmodernisierung oder Kollisionswarnsystem TrainCAS?

Wie der „Spiegel“ am 7. Juli 2018 berichtete, plant die Deutsche Bahn rund 600 ihrer 1.178 alten Stellwerke sicherheitstechnisch aufzurüsten. Das Investitionsvolumen beträgt rund 90 Millionen Euro. Der Einbau der…