Project on LX awareness started

1 Jul 24

In the ATTRACTIVE project, a new low-cost technological approach is to be implemented as a prototype in order to test the effectiveness of technical…

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Making Rail Travel Safer with a CodeMeter-Protected Collision Avoidance System

20 Dec 23

TrainCAS, the collision warning system developed by Intelligence on Wheels (IoW), helps save the lives of rail passengers with a smart three-pronged…

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Radio Interference Measurements for Urban Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems

11 Mar 21

Without appropriate measures, interference between the different radio technologies must be assumed and reliable communication for safety-critical…

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Fu­ture tech­nolo­gies for railways

11 Mar 21

It will be vital for the rail system to be able to reliably determine where a train is located. Within the project 'IMPACT' a new method of…

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Intelligence On Wheels: An Innovative Concept For Train Safety

18 Sep 20

Some tens of millions of passenger journeys take place on Europe’s railways every day. Nearly all of these journeys pass off with no incident. For…

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Better railway collision prevention with TrainCAS, the autonomous Train Collision Avoidance System

17 Sep 18

Despite the availability of PZB, ETCS and their international counterparts, train collisions are an unfortunate reality on the world’s railway…

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Harzbahn wird aus dem All gesteuert

28 Feb 18

Bild: Eingleisig in die Katastrophe – die Angst vor einem Zusammenstoß auf offener Strecke fuhr früher auch in allen Loks der Harzer…

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Avoiding collisions at low cost

1 Feb 17

A stand-alone collision avoidance system is currently being rolled out on the metre gauge Harz rail network to improve safety on single-track routes.…

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Smarte Technik in Traditionsloks (German only)

1 Dec 16

Intelligente Anwendungen machen das Leben angenehmer, bequemer und sicherer - auch den Zugverkehr. Das Zugsicherheitssystem von Intelligence on…

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Railways – SOS for massive safety increase (German only)

26 Oct 16

Nach Bad Aibling: Obwohl technologisch möglich, wird die Restfehlerwahrscheinlichkeit bei der Bahn bislang nicht durch einfache…

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