Category Archives: Press

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Intelligence on Wheels for safe railways (German only)

Im Januar 2011 war bei Hordorf in Sachsen-Anhalt auf eingleisiger Strecke ein Güterzug mit einem Regionalzug frontal zusammengestoßen. Zehn Menschen starben, 23 weitere wurden verletzt. Was aber wäre gewesen, wenn…

Train Collision Avoidance System for steam train operator HSB

Several print and online articles report about HSB’s intention to roll out our train collision avoidance system on all their vehicles (original in German, English translation available here), among them…

How the Internet of Things is Keeping Trains on Track

Featured Article on CISCO Newsportal: “Despite 200 years of development, train accidents are still a cause for concern in the rail industry, but now sensor technologies are helping make things…

Unique train safety system developed by German Aerospace Centre

“The German Aerospace Centre DLR has arrived at the 2012 ITS World Congress with a unique system for rail safety – for preventing collisions between trains and improving safety for track workers.”