Intelligence on Wheels was awarded the
International Critical Communications Award 2016
in the category “Best Use of TETRA for Transport”.
In this category the Judges looked for outstanding technologies and implementations based on TETRA in the transport domain. The judges “praised the way Intelligence on Wheels had applied proven TETRA technology to a new, safety-critical use case. They also were impressed by the innovation’s world-wide applicability, and its ability to enhance railway safety in a cost-effective way without major investment in infrastructure.”
The approach chosen to prevent train-on-train collisions using direct train-to-train communication in absence of any base-station-network did not only convince the professional communication experts from a theoretical point. Also the practical validation through extensive measurements aboard of trains in typical critical railway environments including urban and suburban stations, tunnels, forests and hilly terrain showing the overall performance was much appreciated.
The award winners were unveiled in a festive ceremony at the Honourable Artillery Company in London, UK, on Friday night the 26th of February 2016. Intelligence on Wheels’ CEO Thomas Strang and CTO Andreas Lehner were excited and proud to be selected by the judges for this prestigeous award in a very competitive field.